MS2 PB Datasheet

Molten Solder Surfactant

United States Patent#7,861,915
“Foreign Patents also Issued and Pending”

1. Product and Company Identification

Commerical Description – MS2 Molten Solder Surfactant for use with standard Sn60 and Sn63 Tin-Lead solder
processes. Not recommended for use with lead-free solder processes this product contains lead this product conforms to ANSI Z400. 1-1993 and ISO 11014

P. Kay Metal, Inc.

2. Composition / Information on Ingredients

Description CAS Number Content
Carboxy Alkanes 67254-79-9 >93%
Polyalpha Olefins 68649-12-7 >5%
Lead 7439-92-1 <1%
Tin 7440-31-5 <1%
Colorant Proprietory <1%
Aromatic Esters None <1%

NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)

Hazards Identification Not Considered as Hazardous
Health 0 – Insignificant
Flammability 1 – Slight
Reactivity 0 – Insignificant
Special Hazards None


3. Hazards Identification

Human Helath Hazards
Inhalation Not Applicable at ambient temperature
Skin Unlikely to be irritant
Eye Contact Can cause irritation
Ingestion Unlikely to be harmful unless excessive amount swallowed

4. First Aid Measures

Inhalation Remove to fresh air
Skin Contact Wash off with water and soap
Eye Contact Wash off with water. Get medical attention if any sensation persists
Ingestion Remove material from mouth. Drink plenty of water. If large amount swallowed or symptoms develop get medical attention

5. Fire Fighting Measures

Extinguishing Media Dry chemicalwater spray/ foam/ carbon dioxide
Unsuitable Extingusihing Media none
Specific Hazards Thermal decomposition will evolve irritant vapors
Protection of Fire Fighters Self-contained breathing apparatus/ full protective clothing

6. Accidental Release Measures

Personal Precautions Avoid contact with eyes. Do not breathe vapor
Environmental Precautions Minimize contamination of drains/ surface and ground water
Methods for Cleaning Up Transfer product to suitably labeled containers for disposal at an approved site absorb liquid spillage on inert material (e.g. sand). Residues and small spillage may be washed away with water and detergent.
Other information Spillages or uncontrolled discharge into watercourses must be alerted to the appropriate regulatory body.

7. Handling and Storage

Handling No specific protective measures are required
Storage Store in the original closed containers
Other information For quality reasons: avoid elevated temperatures
Shelf 3 years from date of manufacture

8. Exposure Control / Personal Protection

Engineering Measures Ensure ventilation or local exhaust if formation of vapor occurs
Hygiene Measures Good industrial hygiene should be followed
Occupational Exposure No occupational exposure limits have been established
Personal Protective Equipment Normal precautions should be observed as for handling all chemicals.

9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical StateLiquid (20°C)
Color Pink
Odor None
PH Not applicable
Boiling Point/Boiling Range >300°C
Flash Point 315° (COC)
Flammability Not applicable
Auto-ignition Temperature 400° C
Explosion Properties Not to be expected
Oxidation Properties Not to be expected
Density 955 kg/m3 (25°C)
Solubility in Water Insoluble
Solubility in Other Ingredients Soluble in most organic solvents
Viscosity 7500 mPa.s (25°C)
Volatile Organic Compound VOC Not volatile ambient

10. Stability and Reactivity

Stability Stable under normal conditions
Conditions to Avoid Not Known
Materials to Avoid Oxidizing agents
Hazardous Reactions None
Hazardous Decompositions Products None

11. Toxicological Information

Acute Toxicity
Oral – LD 50 >2 g/kg (rat)
Skin Irritation Not irritating (rabbit)
Eye Irritation Not irritating (rabbit)
Mutagenicity Negative (in-vitro short-term genotoxicity tests)

12. Ecological Information

Persistance & Degradation (OECD 301B (28 Days) <10% Not readily biodegradable
LC 50 >100mg/l (fish – 48 hours)
EC50 >100mg/l (Pseudomonas putida – 16 hours)
NOEC >85mg/l (fish – 28 days)
Not toxic at concentration well above the water solubility

13. Disposal Consideration

Methods of Disposal Return to manufacturer for recycle. Contact P.Kay Metal,Inc.

14. Transportation Information

D.O.T. Classification Not restricted
IATA Not Restricted/Non Hazardous

15. Regulatory Information

OSHA HCS Not hazardous 1920.1200)
SATA Title III Section313 Not listed
Inventory Status
Japan ENCS (8-3050)
Australia AICS
Korea ECL (16486)
Philippines PICCS
China SEPA/First import
Switzerland Gifkklasse/frei: BAG-T Nr. 618400

16. History

Date of Previous Issue, 09/2009
Revised, 10/2012
Prepared by, J. Hardin

The information contained herein is based on data considered accurate and is offered solely for information, consideration and investigation. P.Kay Metal, Inc, extends no warranties, makes no representations and assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of this data for any purchaser’s use. The data on this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to this product and does not relate to use with any other material or in any process. All chemical products should be used only by, or under the direction of, technically qualified personnel who are aware of the hazards involved and the necessity for reasonable care in handling. Hazard communication regulations require that employees must be trained on how to use a Material Safety Data Sheet as a source for hazard information. Department issuing MSDS: Product Safety Contact, MSDS Coordinator, P.Kay Metal, Inc.