A. While exact usage depends on machine configuration and time of use per day on average you can assume that a machine generating between 2.5 and 3.0 Lbs of dross per hour will consume 1 liter of MS2 per 40 hours of operation. One liter will usually reduce 45 Kg or 100 Lbs of dross back into useable solder.

A. the active ingredients in the MS2 Molten Solder Surfactant complexes with metal oxides in the solder bath dross and render them soluble in the bulk material. This material is also unique in its dual role as a heat stable oxygen barrier and as an oxide scavenger. MS2l works with no discernible smoke or odor if used within normal solder pot temperatures. Right out of the bottle MS2 is non-toxic and non-irritating and the resulting spent organometallic waste presents no inhalation or contact hazard.

A. No. Not only do we know that because of the chemical formulation we have also confirmed this through numerous independent lab tests. Lab test data is available from P. KAY Metal.

A. No, MS2 does not mix with the solder or travel over the wave.

A. MS2 can be removed from circuit boards with a solution of hot water and 4% Environ Gold 816 saponifier.

A. MS2 can be removed from machine components or tools by cleaning with a towel while the item to be cleaned is still warm.

A. Yes. There are no restrictions on shipping MS2 by any normal means.

A. No, MS2 is not flammable.

A. MS2 is not applied to the board and leaves no detrimental residue so this is not normally a concern. Extensive SIR testing has been performed through independent labs. It is not conductive in the fresh or unused condition. However, as it becomes spent it contains metal oxides and possibility flux residues that can be conductive. Of course, dross is also conductive.

A. Most have no position just as they have no position regarding the brand of solder used. We have had a comment that Our machine does not generate dross so why would the customer use MS2? If everyone used MS2 than our dross free machine would loose its advantage. Frankly we are still looking for that dross free wave solder machine.

A. While the amount of spent MS2 will equate to a tiny fraction of the dross that would have been generated there will be a few hundred milliliters per day of spent MS2 depending on production volumes. The spent MS2 should be returned to P. KAY Metal or our distributors for return to an authorized recycling center.

A. Spent MS2 contains oxides of the metals that would be found in the specific solder pot therefore we recommend labeling it as you would dross.

A. As noted above, the spent MS2 contains oxides of the metals in your solder alloy therefore, for example, spent MS2 that has been used to eliminate dross in a leaded alloy will contain lead oxides and should be treated accordingly.

A. MS2 is a process chemical that not only inhibits dross formation but actually reduces dross back to its native metals as it forms. There is no similarity of chemistry between the older materials and the new technology MS2.

A. A simple calculation is to determine how much 100 Lbs (45 Kg) of your solder costs as that is how much dross a liter of MS2 reduces back into useable metal. Deduct the cost of that much solder from your cost of one liter of MS2 and you will have a gross savings number. This of course does not take into consideration the significant savings eliminating dross related rework and reducing maintenance as well as increasing throughput will save. P. KAY metal has a savings calculator available for use on the Companies web site that you can use for a more precise calculation.

A. The shelf life is in excess of two years.

A. The material should not be allowed to reach temperatures below 35 degrees F as some components may separate. There is no practical upper limit to the material within all normally accepted storage conditions. The material is stable at high temperatures.

A. The original formulation was optimized for lead free alloys. It was thought that with lead free solders being so expensive that MS2 would find the most market acceptance in that area. We soon found out that those using leaded solder had a great deal of interest in MS2 also. The price of the MS2 200 LF (for lead free) was to high for economical use with cheaper leaded alloys therefore a less pure, lower cost version, one that did not have to be optimized for lead free RoHS compliant alloys was developed and offered to the market. MS2 200LF does not contain lead because it is purified and optimized differently than the 100Pb which will pick up lead in a cheaper quicker purification process .

A. This is normal. Dross is not a clean byproduct. MS2 is far less messy than dross but it can leave some residues which are easily reduced during normal maintenance. The carbon ring or material that you see has no long term effects to your solder pot or process.

A. Letting the solder cool with the MS2 in place is not a problem unless the metal cools to the solid state. When cooled to the point of being solid the metal can shrink away from the edges allowing MS2 to seep in between the metal and the walls of the solder pot. While this will not harm the pot the trapped MS2 will temporally give some smoke while the pot is re heating. If the pot is allowed to cool to solid we recommend using a P. KAY metal supplied retainer ring or simply remove the MS2 until the pot heated to near operating temperature once again.